Wedding Emergency Kits

by | Feb 15, 2022 | General, Tips & Tricks

Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit

On your big day, everyone will be looking at you. They will be looking at your families, friends, silverware even the dinner options. An unexpected hiccup like a split seam or headache can destroy any wedding plans. A wedding day emergency kit is an easily accessible kit that you and your wedding party can get to and save the day from disaster.

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The kit you pack can help sway the tide of anarchy a wedding can be. It may sound dramatic but, anyone who has had something goes wrong at a wedding can attest to how hard it can be to recover from that nose dive. Here is a list of items to get you started but, please make any changes you feel will make your day go smoother.

Sew Far So Good

A sewing kit is essential to fix that burst seam or help with last-minute minor alterations, like hemming a cuff. Nobody wants to get the wedding pictures back only to find out they had a bit more on display than they planned. If you get a splinter or, as sad as it is, a wasp stinger in you or a guest, going with the string taught in the opposite direction it entered will remove it.

Mississauga Wedding DJ Sewing Kit
Ottawa Wedding DJ Headache Medication

Headache Begone

When you have to focus, orchestrate a crowd and look your best, it is great to have some assistance when needed. Tylenol, Advil, or Aspirin can help with headaches and muscle pain without making you groggy. is fast-acting relief for many pains.

Red Monsters

Red Bull, Monster, N0S, and many other beverages are available on the market to kick start your day. They can also be the ace in the hole when you are feeling drained from all the interaction and activity. Some have flavours similar to most carbonated beverages on the market you already know. Others are completely different and have mixed fruit juice. They almost all have a ton of caffeine and will lift you up. Just be warned if you aren’t accustomed to energy drinks, there can be a crash when it wears off.




Kingston Wedding DJ Energy Drinks
Niagara Falls Wedding DJ Power Bank Backup Battery

Charged And Ready

It is the modern era so almost everyone owns a cell phone. Capturing moments is often done with a cell phone these days. Have a backup battery (also known as a power bank) and charge it in advance along with a variety of charging cables. The higher the capacity, the more charges you can get, and most can charge more than a single device at once.

Smells Like Success

It’s a high-tension day with equally high emotions. That leads to stress and stress sweat. Unlike your average workout sweat, stress sweat releases chemicals that smell much more pungent. It also can stain fabric easier. Carry a stick of “no mark” deodorant so you will smell fresh all day long.


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Brampton Wedding DJ Tide Pen

Out Vile Stain

No matter what brand you choose, a stain remover pen will save a suit, a dress, or the day. Easy to carry and discreet, stain remover pens can help clear away a lot of mistakes like red wine, coffee, and ketchup.

First Aid Things First

Bandages, gauze, rubbing alcohol, and maybe some scissors are a good start. Rubber gloves and tweezers are also a must-have for your first aid kit. Small cuts and scrapes can happen, and you want to make sure you aren’t risking a visible bloodstain on clothes.


Hamilton Wedding DJ First Aid Kit
Barrie Wedding DJ Saltines Gatorade

Salty And Sweet

As adults, weddings are full of people who have just partied, are partying, or are just feeling all the feels of the day. Taking pictures in the sun is a quick way to get beaten down. The one commonality? Low electrolytes and dehydration. While water is the best stuff on Earth, Gatorade replenishes salt and electrolytes much quicker. Kind of like adult Pedia Lite.

Saltines make for a quick and easy snack, and they come in convenient sleeves to be carried.

A Breath Of Fresh Air

Mints or gum are a great addition to any wedding emergency kit. During the wedding day, there will be a lot of close interaction between the newlyweds and they will want to make sure their breath smells great. It’s also a good idea that the entire table can’t smell someone’s breath during a toast!


Oshawa Wedding DJ Breath Mints
Oakville Wedding DJ Lint Roller

Rolling Out Nicely

Everyone loves their dog, cat, age-old angora sweater. No one likes all the stray hairs and fibers left behind on everyone within 40 feet of the individual covered in it. A lint roller can take away all the unsightly leavings adorning your guests in photos. Easy to find and inexpensive compared to all the time and money you would spend on photo touch-ups.

Keeping It Together

Super glue is the tie that binds. Costume jewelry can be salvaged and repaired. Fascinators, tiaras, and other adornments can be made to look good as new. Even some of the straps on dresses have clips that break, or if you don’t have time to sew you can use it to quickly repair a seam. A drop here and there and you will look ready to strut.


Burlington Wedding DJ Super Glue

Final Words

While having an emergency wedding kit can save you from a lot of headaches and stress it will be impossible to plan for everything that could possibly happen. Any social gathering is like a wild animal. You never know where it could go. 

Working with professionals will help make sure things go as smoothly as possible, but more importantly, they will know how to get things back on track. It’s perfectly fine that Aunt Susan wants to help make the desserts, or your niece wants to sing you a song. Your DJ/MC, Wedding Planner, Catering/Hall Manager, and Photographer/Videographer, will need know how to communicate with each other to make sure that whatever changes may need to be made behind the scenes, you and your guests will see a smooth production with everyone having a great time.